Lokakarya 4
Lokakarya 4


    Food Technology - Faculty of Science and Technology

        Food science is a discipline that applies principles of biology, physics, chemistry and engineering in studying the properties of foodstuff, sources and causes of food spoilage, and the principles underlying food processing and preservation. Food technology is an application of food science in entire food handling, processing and supply chain starting from postharvest down to the production and handling of foodstuff to produce safe, wholesome and quality food products. Topics studied in food technology, among others, are raw material handling, processing, preservation, storage and packaging, quality assurance and nutrition.
        Food Technology Study Program is one of six undergraduate study programs in the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Pelita Harapan which has mandate and responsibility to develop science and technology regarding food chemistry and analysis, food microbiology and safety, food processing and engineering, food biochemistry and nutrition, and applied food science as well as life skills.


    Wenny S. L. Sinaga, STP, M.Si.
    Full Time Lecturer (Former)
            E-mail Address
    : -
    Area of Expertise      
    Food Biochemistry and Nutrition
    Lecture Course(s)   
    Food Biochemistry, Nutrition
    Research Interest
    Functional Food
    Educational Background
         Master Degree
    Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
    Food Science Study Program
         Bachelor Degree
    Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
    Agroindustrial Technology Study Program