Academic Activities

Brief Description of Courses Per Semester
Semester III

Introduction to Economics / Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi
2 credits

Prerequisite(s): None
This subject provides the basic understanding of micro-and macroeconomic (production factors, market types, cost and price determination methods, supply and demand theory, economic activities measurement), allocating and utilizing resources concept, and the roles of government in monetary and fiscal policy and in international trade.


Civics / Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarnegaraan
2 credits

Prerequisite(s): None
This lecture is compulsory for all students of UPH, providing knowledge and understanding and instilling nationalism spirit and homeland love for every student. As a compulsory subject, this course focuses heavily on basic political education formally through understanding, understanding, and analysis of the national values contained in the four national consensuses namely, Pancasila as ideology; Constitution of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia; National values derived from the values of the Unitary State of the Republic Indonesia; and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. In addition to the UPH with the vision of True Knowledge, Faith in Christ, and Godly Character, the course also aims to instill insight into the Christian world through the values contained in four national consensus so that students are able to analyze and carry out its role as a citizen the state of Indonesia who is accountable to the one God; The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and himself as a representation of God's citizens.


Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia
2 credits
Prerequisite(s): None
Through this Indonesian lecture, students are introduced to aspects of ethical teaching, aesthetics, logic, courtesy, respect for the authority of the creator, respects, and glory of God. The main theme of the Indonesian language is the use of Indonesian language in stewardship. Within that framework, this course will discuss the essence of language as God's creation for the means of  communication, especially the essence of language in the perspective of the Christian World Insight, the understanding and the use of various written languages, good and correct Indonesian rules of reasoning, and writing techniques of scientific writing. The resulting paper is a scientific work according to a college program that focuses on the scientific realm. To achieve this understanding, students will be given lecture topics on diction, syntax, effective sentences, paragraph, literary appreciation, and reasoning, as well as exercises on these topics. It will be very useful; for UPH students to achieve the ability to think and communicate both in writing and orally as a scientist in the field of social science, natural science, or humanities that they learned in UPH. Good and correct Indonesian competence will be very beneficial for UPH students to develop their scientific horizons according to their study program in UPH in the world of work and in everyday life.
Leadership Training