- Encapsulation of Soursop (Annona muricata Linn.) Leaf Tea Extract (Author: Dr. Melanie Cornelia).
- Study of Changes in Isoflavones and Antioxidant Activity During the Tempeh Making Process (Author: Julia R. Wijaya, MAppSc).
- Study on the Effect of Tempeh Making Processing Steps and Cooking Methods Prior to Consumption Towards the Antioxidant Activity (Author: Julia R. Wijaya, MAppSc).
- Penilaian Organoleptik dan Peranan Minuman Fermentasi Daun Sirsak sebagai Anti Asam Urat Pada Tikus Wistar (Author: Dr. Adolf JN. Parhusip).
- Lactic Acid Bacteria's Role in Red Melinjo Peel Fermentation Beverage to Increase Organoleptic Values and Anti Hyperuricemic Benefits (Author: Dr. Adolf JN. Parhusip).
- Utilization of Red Kidney Beans Flour (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Making of High Protein Mantao (Author: Eveline, MP, M.Si).
- Antimicrobial Activity and Stability of Suji Leaves (Dracaena angustifolia (Medik.) Roxb.) Extract (Author: Eveline, MP, M.Si and Dr. Tagor M. Siregar).
- Physical and Chemical Characteristic of Frying Oil in Indonesia in a Repeated Frying Model (Author: Yuniwaty Halim, M.Sc; Natania, M.Eng; Jeremia Manuel Halim, MP; Lucia C. Soedirga, M.Sc).
- The Characteristics And Free Radical Scavenging Activity Of Zinc Oxide Nano Particles (ZnONPs) Synthesiszed From Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) Fruits And Leaves (Author: Dr. Tagor M. Siregar).
- Aplikasi Pektin Kulit Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) dalam Pembuatan Permen Jelly (Author: Dr. Melanie Cornelia).
- Karakterisasi dan Pengembangan Edible Film/Coating dibuat dari Formulasi Dasar dan Antimikroba untuk Pengawetan, dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Karakteristik Buah Stroberi (Author: W. Donald R. Pokatong, Ph.D).
- Aktivitas Antikolesterol secara In Vitro dari Seduhan Teh Hitam" Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata) (Author: Dr. Hardoko and Dr. Tagor M. Siregar).
- Pengaruh Penambahan Bubuk Biji Labu Kuning dan Rasio Antara Gula Pasir dengan Gula Aren Pada Pembuatan Mellorine Susu Kacang Merah (Author: Ratna Handayani, MP).
- Microencapsulation of Soursop (Annona muricata) Extract Using Natural Mucilages (Author: Natania, M.Eng).
- Utilization of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata [L.] R. Wilczek) and Pohpohan (Pilea melastomoides [Poir.] Wedd) Powders as Partial Substitution of Wheat Flour in Production of Noodles (Author: Yuniwaty Halim, M.Sc).
- Evaluation of Tapioca-Arrowroot Composite Starch Based Edible Films and Its Application to Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) (Author: Ratna Handayani, MP).
- The Effect of Different Formulation of Jackfruit Seed (Artocarpusheterophyllus Lam.) Milk towards Prebiotic Index (Author: Dr. Melanie Cornelia).
- Alternatif Pengganti Pengawet dan Pewarna Tahu Menggunakan Ekstrak Kulit Melinjo (Author: Dr. Adolf JN. Parhusip).
- Functional Drink Cough Deduction of Karuk Leaves (Piper sarmentosum Roxb. Ex Hunter), Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) Juice and Honey (Author: Dr. Hardoko).
- Antibacterial Activity and Stability of Bintaro (Cerbera odollam Gaertn.) Leaves Extract Against Food Bacteria (Author: Eveline, MP, M.Si and Dr. Hardoko).
- Perbedaan Kombinasi Pelarut dan Tingkat Kesegaran Daun Dalam Penentuan Aktivitas Hipokolesterolemia Daun Semanggi Air (Marsilea crenata) (Author: Ratna Handayani, MP and Dr. Hardoko).
- Utilization of Soursop Leaves As Antihyperuricemic in Functional Beverage ‘Herbal Green Tea’ (Author: Dr. Hardoko, Titri S. Mastuti, M.Si and Yuniwaty Halim, M.Sc).